Arctic/Antarctica/Greenland SMBacc update.
Hello and welcome to my blog. Arctic Sea ice concentration for yesterday was 5.56M Km2 with Antarctica sea ice concentration at 18.36M...
Hello and welcome to my blog. Arctic Sea ice concentration for yesterday was 5.56M Km2 with Antarctica sea ice concentration at 18.36M...
Hello and welcome to the blog, have you become a member yet? It's free and I will not ask you for money. 38-40 views a day isn't really...
Hello and welcome to the blog. Sea ice concentration for the Arctic stood at 5.55M Km2 on 18/10/2020. Again it's not hard to sea why...
Hello and welcome to the blog. Arctic sea ice concentration for 17/10/2020 was 5.49M Km2. Antarctica sea ice concentration for the same...
Hi and welcome to the blog, the sea ice concentration for the Arctic region 16/10/2020 was 5.43M Km2. Again, although we are seeing...
Most of you will be aware that the Arctic sea ice was at minimum in September and Antarctica was at maximum in the same month, this means...
Due to Twitter censorship I will be moving the "Hard copy" of the updates here on my blog. How is the data for SMB- surface mass balance...
Antarctic sea ice extent may have reached its maximum of 18.95 million square kilometers (7.32 million square miles) on September 28, but...
A new study by University of Alberta physicists provides an explanation for why changes to Earth's magnetic field over time are weaker...
ABSTRACT. The stability of large Antarctic ice shelves has important implications for global sea level, sea ice area, and ocean...
Abstract Atmospheric rivers (ARs) exert major socioeconomic repercussions along the US West Coast by inducing heavy rainfall, flooding,...
Abstract [1] Greenland recently incurred record high temperatures and ice loss by melting, adding to concerns that anthropogenic warming...
Two temperature datasets are analyzed for quantifying the 11-year solar cycle effect in the lower stratosphere. The analysis is based on...
particular attention to any 11-year solar cycle influence. In addition to the observed solar modulation of the duration of the QBO west...
Abstract Debate over what influence (if any) solar variability has had on surface air temperature trends since the 19th century has been...
For over 3 Decades Climate Scientists have told the world our species are changing the very Climate we live in. Always referring to the...
Region dominates the transfer of heat from the equator to the poles in both hemispheres, challenging the "great conveyor belt" model. Far...
Heading into winter it's time we start looking at what Mother Nature holds for the UK. 2 Indexes of my preference, but not limited to are...
Solar flares are sudden blasts of electromagnetic radiation and charged particles emanating from the surface of the Sun. They are...
Earth’s climate, including its average surface temperature, depends on the balance between incoming and outgoing energy. Energy comes in...