Due to Twitter censorship I will be moving the "Hard copy" of the updates here on my blog.
How is the data for SMB- surface mass balance accumulation collected?
Daily and accumulated surface mass budget and melt area is calculated using output from the DMI HARMONIE-AROME IGB model, and produced by Polar Portal- DMI.
Let's look at the most recent output via graphic form which I graph daily.
SMBacc- Surface Mass Balance accumulation.
On the 14/10/2020 The accumulated mass balance of the Greenland ice sheets were 94.9 Gigatons, or 94.9 Billion tons of ice.
The Daily additions
SMB Daily.
The daily contribution was 2.421Gts or 2.4 Billion tons of Ice.
Overall Greenland sea ice is moving along nicely, with Arctic sea ice concentration heading to winter maximum.
Arctic sea ice concentration is currently at 5.30M Km2.