The Photovoltaic Heat Island Effect: Larger solar power plants increase local temperatures.
A ll too often ten we see, hear and read articles of supposed scientific facts regarding earth's modest warming of 1.5°c, that it will...
A ll too often ten we see, hear and read articles of supposed scientific facts regarding earth's modest warming of 1.5°c, that it will...
All too often we hear the tabloids and MSM talk about how a moderate amount of climate warming is "Catastrophic" for this and that, the...
In recent publications ( (
Hello and welcome Some of you by experience will have heard about a bone cancer called Osteosarcoma, a type of cancer that can affect any...
MSM and other media outlets are constantly reporting on Greenlands loss of snow and ice, as usual human activities I.E burning fossil...
Some of you will know that I am an avid believer in natural climate variability and reoccurring weather patterns, be it decadal or on...
Abstract The 2014–2015 “Monster”/“Super” El Niño failed to be predicted one year earlier due to the growing importance of a new type of...
Abstract El Niño and La Niña events in the tropical Pacific have significant and disrupting impacts on the global atmospheric and oceanic...
The surface mass balance (SMB) is very low over the vast East Antarctic Plateau, for example in the Vostok region, where the mean SMB is...
Katabatic WindsPart of the Antarctica: The Farthest Place Close to Home Curriculum Collection. MORE IN ANTARCTICA: THE FARTHEST PLACE...
Since satellite records of sea ice began in the 1970s, the world’s poles have shown a contrasting picture. While Arctic sea ice levels...
Antarctic bottom water (AABW) production is a key factor governing global ocean circulation, and the present disintegration of the...
Sometimes in space, even when you’re millions of kilometers from anything, you’re still being watched. Or at least that’s the case for...
A Forbush decrease is a rapid decrease in the observed galactic cosmic ray intensity following a coronal mass ejection (CME). It occurs...
Earth's poles have been under scrutiny for ove 3 Decades now, ice will be gone by blah blah blah, they're warming 3 times faster then.......
We have studied long-term variations of galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) intensity in relation to the sunspot number (SSN) during the most...
If you are a regular to my Twitter account you will know we talked in depth about areas worst affected by multi year La Nińa. Here is a...
Building upon the research legacies of Peter Gary and Richard Thorne, this perspective discusses a plasma-system picture wherein multiple...
Magnetic reconnection is known to be an important process for coupling solar wind mass and momentum into the Earth's magnetosphere....